
JJ Birden, Leaving My Network Marketing Company Xocai Healthy Chocolate for Isagenix International

JJ Birden, Leaving My Network Marketing Company Xocai Healthy Chocolate for Isagenix International

After playing in the NFL for nine years, I learned that discipline, dedication, and zeal were qualities I had to possess to play at the highest level of competition. I've prided myself in performing with honor and surrounding myself with great people who could show me how I could be better and help others do the same. Although, I will never overlook my athletic experience, what's most important to me now are my faith, wife and my eight children. 

My wife and I have three biological children. However, ten years ago, we found ourselves in a position to take guardianship over five nieces and nephews. So the family quickly expanded from a family of five to ten. You probably recognize what my "WHY" is. 

My family has truly been a blessing. I will do whatever I can to help them and show them how much is available to them. I tried what most of us do, find a job, move up in a career and try to find time and financial freedom. I learned very quickly I was not going to find what I was honestly looking for in Corporate America. After my NFL career, my wife and I had ownership in three company's where I served as President of two and Sales Manager of another. The dream to ride off into the sunset, do to ownership of three businesses never quite materialized. Instead, I felt overworked, underpaid, exhausted and spending too much time away from the family. This is when I was introduced to Network Marketing. I peaked at network marketing since retired from the NFL in 1997 but never "truly" got involved in a company until 2007. I've been extremely fortunate with Network Marketing. I love what it's done for me, my family and the thousands of others worldwide. It's giving us that time and financial freedom and the opportunity to show others they can find that same success if they are willing to work. I've learned, like I did playing in the NFL, by surrounding yourself with people who want more. I want to give a special thanks to my previous company Xocai Healthy Chocolate. They showed me ways I could change my life from a health and wealth standpoint. Plus the personal development training was outstanding. I'm so fortunate for my association with the owners, management team, corporate staff, field leadership, and upline support. They were always so positive with me and helped me become a student of the industry. 

While in this profession, you learn a lot; A lot about other companies and the profession as a whole. What surprised me is this profession is so big with some very successful companies. Recently my Wife and I decide to make a change to another company. The best way to describe this decision is to take you back to my NFL days. My eighth year in the NFL, I left the Kansas City Chiefs and went on to play for the Atlanta Falcons. I loved the Chiefs and did not want to leave but they ran a "run the ball" first type offense, and I spent most of my time blocking. Well at 157 lbs my body took a pounding. So when the option arouses to go to a "pass-oriented offense" the Falcons ran, I was all for it. The point is I wanted to try something different. Same as in this case for leaving Xocai Healthy Chocolate. It was time to try something different. I examined what other companies were doing, how they were becoming successful. I wanted to know if there were ways we could be better and how I could help more people become successful. I created my criteria list of what my next network marketing company MUST have:

  1. Ten years plus
  2. Company/Owners
  3. Products (health and wellness)
  4. System
  5. Tools (marketing)
  6. International
  7. Compensation
  8. Sponsor/Support Team
  9. Culture
  10. Social Media
  11. Future Plans

After studying and reviewing 50 multi-level marketing companies. I narrowed it down to 20, 10, 5 then 3, 2 and 1. I found one which not only met all of my criteria but instantly connected with my Wife and me. They had everything we were looking for. That company was ISAGENIX. I never imagined finding a company who could provide solutions that genuinely could impact the world. Here is what I learned.

They are transforming lives and creating opportunities for people just like you every day. If you would like to start redirecting your spending and start consuming some of the best products in the health and wellness industry for:

Contact me now at WWW.SEIZEYOUROPPORTUNITIES.COM if you're looking to create a secondary income stream, a plan B or just looking for a way out, Contact me Now! I will work with you. So roll up your sleeves and let's go to work!

Much Success,


If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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