
How Do You Get Your Share Of The 2016 Success Pie?

How Do You Get Your Share Of The 2016 Success Pie?

Since the rest of the world is sharing their recipe for success in 2016, figured I might as well join them. This year will be filled with many people achieving many great things.  When you look at your situation, whether you work for yourself or someone else, have you figured out how you will get your pieced of the 2016 success pie? 

Here are my Top 10 TIPS to help you make 2016 special.

 1.    Self-Evaluation – To get better, you have to see first how you did last year. What were your strengths and weaknesses? The strengths, of course, you want to repeat and aim to improve. However, the weakness, you take a different approach. For 2016, work on your weaknesses until they become your strengths

2.    Create a Vision of What You Want in 2016 – It's up to you to create the vision that inspires action. Only you know what you want this year.

3.    Expand Your Vision – Let’s step out of your comfort zone. See yourself doing amazing things this year.  You've got to see and anticipate success, to get success!

4.    Daily “Action” Plan – Starting this year without a concrete plan is a surefire way to minimize your opportunities. A solid action plan can make a massive difference in the outcome of any business. “Fail to plan, plan to fail!”

5.    Schedule Success – I am a strong advocate of setting up a weekly schedule.  Put one together that fits your lifestyle. Be sure to include such things as Revenue Producing Activities, Personal Development,  Family Time, Personal Time, Workout Time, etc.... Then do your best to stick to it! Leadership trainer Susan Sly says, “The enemy of success is disorganization!”

6.    Review With a Mentor or Business Partner – You do this for a few reasons. Another set of eyes on your plan always adds value.  They can critique your plan, offer viable suggestions or give you commendations. If you have a partner you’re working with; it never hurts to put yourself out there to hold yourself accountable.

7.    GO TO WORK!!! -  Success and accomplishments are a beautiful thing, but it's not just going to be given to you. You must go GET IT!

8.    Be Consistent and Persistent – These are two powerful words they are to remind you to stay the course. Success doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time. Many people become impatient, fall off course and shut it down. Then spend most of the year filled with regret. Don’t let that be you. The one who is persistent and consistent succeeds.

9.    Celebrate YOUR Success – You will experience big and small victories this year, celebrate them all.  How? Do something for yourself, spouse, family or just take the day off.  You earned it, and you deserve it.

10.    Stay On Your Game! – Management mode or overconfidence has killed many success stories. Never forget what it took to get there. Take on every day as if someone is trying to take your job.  That’s what worked for me at 5’10 157 lbs for nine years in the NFL! 

Now go make 2016 special!


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