
Just flip the switch!

Just flip the switch!

Below, is a recent conversation I had with someone who was down in the dumps because their business wasn't growing at the rate they wanted it too. So I asked them these questions: 

Are you doing all you can to build your business?
Do you know what you need to do?
Then flip the switch!
Flip the switch! Stop complicating the process and go do what you know you need to do. It’s a choice, you make a decision, and you do it. Flip the switch and go to work!

Flip the switch is a concept we used in the NFL. It was the process of immediately making up your mind and doing what you need to do. Every time we stepped on the field, we had to become a different person. It was necessary to play against some of the most incredible athletes in the world. Therefore we'd flip the switch and turn on a level of intensity I'm sure many close to us never witnessed.  It begins with a decision. You just choose to do it!    

The concept translates into everyday life. There’re times when we're off our game and not giving the kind of effort that’s going to get you where you want to go. The action steps have slowed down or are none existent. We know the moments, and it’s reflected in your attitude and your mood. It's not a good feeling.  How do you break out of these slumps and flip the switch to get back on track? 

  1. "Honest" self-evaluation! - Admit you've fallen off track.
  2. Decide - We all have a choice and you have to make the decision you want to.
  3. Game Plan! What's the plan you have in place so you can hit the ground running.
  4. Accountability Partner! Reach out to a mentor, business partner or even your spouse. Someone needs to hold you accountable.
  5. Get into ACTION!
  6. Track your progress! - Use something to keep track of your good days and bad days.  At the end of the day, ask yourself; would I have hired or fired myself today?
  7. Reminders! - I'm big on visual reminders. Have a picture, quote, sticky note or something around you to remind you to stay in the zone. You're on a mission!!!
  8. Celebrate! - Especially the small wins. Small wins lead to big wins.

Next time you feel you're off your game, give this a try. You may be going through this right now. Make a decision to flip the switch right now and get back into ACTION and STICK TO YOUR PLAN!!!

Feel free to share a comment below!

Stay Positive and keep seizing those opportunities!



P.S. Be sure to subscribe to my monthly motivational newsletter the Birden Report! 


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