


Sticking To Your Plan After Your Company's Network Marketing Event!

Attending company events, is an important part of network marketer’s journey. We often think about the basics skills sets we aim to perfect such as prospecting, presenting and following up but attending your company's event can be just as important. It too, is part of the system! Read more »

How Do You Get Your Share Of The 2016 Success Pie?

Since the rest, the world is sharing their recipe for success in 2016, figured I might as well join them. This year is to be filled with many people achieving many great things. When you look at your situation, whether you work for yourself or someone else, have you figured out how you will get your pie of the 2016 success pie? Read more »

JJ Birden's Interview on Think Bold, Be Bold Podcast

It was an honor to be on the Think Bold, Be Bold podcast. Christopher Cumby and Allan Wich are first class individuals and did a wonderful job of conducting the interview. Read more »

JJ Birden Interviews With London England's In-Spire LS

Very exciting to have the opportunity to be interviewed by In-spire Lifestyles. In-spire LS is a 3x award winning digital lifestyle blogzine Read more »

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Feedback is not always the easiest to take in, but the right feedback will make you better. True champions want that feedback! Whether it’s good or bad, they crave it. Read more »

Jarryd Hayne, Making the impossible, POSSIBLE!

I am certain all of us at some point had a dream. A dream to accomplish some insurmountable goal. A goal that when you thought about it, it made you quiver. Yeah, it was that good and that big. Yet at some point in the thinking process, you reached the decision it was just too impossible to achieve. Therefore you gave up and moved on to another goal that wasn’t so intimidating. Despite this, you never forgot about the goal that scared you and from time to time you would think, “what if?” Read more »

NFL Roster Cuts, Never a Pleasant Experience

As the NFL preseason gets ready to wrap up, teams will be finalizing their 53 man rosters. In order to do so, they will be making their final cuts. This is another way of saying getting rid of the players they feel are not good enough or let’s say are not a good fit for their teams. Read more »

My First NFL Touchdown!

It's amazing how certain events in your life you can recall while others you can't. For professional athletes to recall your first race, basket, goal, touchdown etc... is expected. I certainly remember my first NFL touchdown. Read more »

JJ Birden and Family In ImagesAZ Magazine

It's an honor to have my family, and I featured in the AZ Images Magazine. Considering we moved from Oregon six years ago, it's a nice way to say "Welcome to Arizona!" Read more »

Professional Athletes Can Make Some of the Best Network Marketers

If your visiting this blog, you’re here mainly because you’re an athlete or you know someone else who’s an athlete. Consequently you’re curious to know exactly why athletes can develop into some of the most productive entrepreneurs in the 180 billion dollar industry Read more »


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Motivational Keynote SpeakerFormer NFL Wide Receiver. ©2024 JJ Birden. All rights reserved. Privacy & Terms of use. Website by Avenue 25.

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