Sometimes people are too focused on the odds. The odds of accomplishing a goal or a degree of success. When one focuses so much on the probability they will fail, or that they will not receive a specific opportunity, they've already lost.
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In Spite of what? Tell me? What's your "In Spite of" moment? Everyone has one and you either conquered it, or it conquered you!
I am going to be experimenting with some content revolving around this topic. Could turn into a new keynote presentation or perhaps even book number two. The point is, my goal is to send a clear message that in spite of what life throws your way, you can win.
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If you know my story, then you're aware that I'm a big track and field fan. Running track and field at the University of Oregon also known as "Track Town USA" might have played role in that. So you can see why I'd say it was an honor to be interviewed by Nick Symmonds.
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I recently returned from a speaking event at Merrill Lynch's conference in Orlando, Florida. Three hundred top Merrill advisors were present. One of the topics I discussed was how to avoid complacency. It can be something many people struggle with. For instance, after you've had a great day of production at work or perhaps a great week, month, quarter, or even a year, sometimes the habit is to back off or get complacent.
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You've probably heard this one a little differently. However, you know me, and sometimes I like to spin it from another perspective.
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We're into the fourth month of the year, not quite half time but how are you doing? Statistics say you've probably kicked the 2019 resolutions you set at the beginning of the year to the curb. Perhaps, you're one of the rare ones and still plugging away. Either way, at any point of the year, you can use the Four R's to see how you're doing and make any necessary adjustments
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Being a former professional athlete who is now a professional speaker, I agree with his article (Why Pro Athletes Make The Best Motivational Speaker). Everything an athlete experiences as an athlete at the highest level, their powerful lessons can be shared as coaching points or action steps to businesses audiences everywhere.
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If you've ever played any organized athletics, this question of "are you injured or are you hurt" should make sense to you right away.
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Former NFL football player JJ Birden, now professional speaker and entrepreneur, interviews with the NFLPA, The Players Trust, to share his transition to life after the NFL.
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Have you ever had a "breakthrough" moment in your life? A breakthrough moment is when you suddenly have that quantum leap, or a sudden impactful jump occurs in your life. I recently heard a leadership trainer Randy Gage, discuss this topic, and I immediately inserted it into one of my keynote presentations.
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